No one gets to where they are, friends, mentors, consultants, designers and above all the big guy are part of the mix~ well here is some of what we’ve been working on …a new logo and a new concept with round-the-clock support.  thank you Lindsay and thank you Tony..more thank you’s to come of course thank you to my hubby big Eddy and baby Eddy, my lil guy..ok here are some pics  & more…

the perfect purple with Chalk Paint®

the perfect purple with Chalk Paint®

new logo

new logo


the door

4228 Howard Ave..the new shop for Chalk Paint®

English Yellow in the house

English Yellow in the house

2013-08-20 12.45.06

workshop table to CREATE

workshop table to CREATE

Hope you come on Sunday September 1st and check our new space out. We’ll be open from 10-4 pm at our new spot at 4228 Howard Ave. Kensington MD… more about our concept of A place to Create in my next post..

thanks for reading,
