Looking to learn how to transform your old pieces with Chalk Paint® come check out what we have a see and feel all the colors in the range…What’s so great about the paint..no stripping furniture or priming before you start you just find your piece and “get on with it” as Annie says…check us out 955 Bonifant St. Silver Spring, MD 20910 Check out our Pinterest page for some inspiration .We have a paint 2 classes this month listed. Can’t find one sign up for a private class or lets get a few people together to paint together..Next Class for Chalk Paint is Saturday July 27 10-1 PM. Class cost is $140.00 please email bahia@onthepurplecouch.com to register. Learn more here  about our Chalk Paint class. You asked for it “Alumni class” announced August 3rd 10-1 PM..please email to register class is $ 90.00 if you have already taken a class.  Bring a piece and paint with us..Any questions email Bahia ..at bahia@onthepurplecouch.com to be added to the list..